Guidance Notes

OHSAA Industry Credentials
If you would like to complete the OHSAA Officiating License for industry credential points, please reply to this email.  I have two licenses available.  
Scioto County Career Technical Center Application
The Spring deadline is March 7.  The Early Bird deadline is February 3.
Honors Workshop - Juniors, sophomores, and freshmen
If you would like to check your honors diploma status, please reply to this email.  I will check your status and meet with you on Thursday, February 13.
ACT at Wheelersburg High School - Juniors
All juniors will test for free on February 25.
ACT at Wheelersburg High School - Registered freshmen, sophomores and seniors
Students who have pre-registered for the ACT will test on February 25.
Go to to register.  Juniors and seniors who receive free or reduced lunch can use up to four fee waivers to pay for the test; see me for more information.  To test on Saturday, April 5, you must register by February 28.
College Credit Plus 2025-2026 Intent Form
Shawnee State 2025-2026 College Credit Plus application
College Credit Plus Program | Shawnee State University  If you are using a school chromebook, do not click on the Mature Content Form link; there is an issue and it will erase all of your answers.  You can submit the application without the Mature Content Form.  You may pick up a Mature Content Form in the guidance office.  The deadline is April 1.
State Testing
April 14 - English Language Arts II part I
April 15 - English Language Arts II part 2
April 28 - Algebra and Geometry
April 29 - American History and American Government
April 30 - Biology
Advanced Placement Testing Dates
AP Biology Test - May 5 - 8:00 a.m.
AP English Literature - May 7 - 8:00 a.m.
AP World History - May 8 - 12:00 p.m.
AP Art deadline - May 9
AP Calculus AB/BC - May 12 - 8:00 a.m.
AP English Language - May 14 - 8:00 a.m.
AP Spanish Language - May 15 - 8:00 a.m.
Shawnee State University Accuplacer Testing
Students must go to Shawnee State University to test in person or use the remote testing option.  The Accuplacer will not be given at Wheelersburg High School.  To register to take the Accuplacer, go to Placement Testing | Shawnee State.  You will need a driver license, driver permit, or school ID; see me before you test if you need a school ID.  For a parking permit; go to  If you must leave during school hours to take the test, you will need to use a parent note to be excused for the absence; if you have used all ten parent notes, this will be an unexcused absence.  After you have taken the test, bring a copy of your scores to the guidance office.