Activities » Key Club

Key Club

What Is It Exactly?
Key Club is an international high school organization with members dedicated to service and sponsored by Kiwanis International, a community service organization for business and professional adults. Because of the close relationship between the two, Key clubbers and Kiwanis members often enjoy fellowship while cooperating on projects that benefit their communities as well as themselves.

Why Do We Want To Be Involved?
We, Wheelersburg High School students of today, are vitally interested in the future of our communities. We realize that only through cooperation on all levels can we improve the places in which we live. As future leaders, we have a responsibility to our parents, to our community, and to ourselves. As Key Clubbers we have readily accepted that responsibility.

Daily/Weekly Activities Year Round
Latch Key - 3:00 to 6:00 pm

Four Good Reasons To Support Your Local Key Club
• To better the community
• To better the school and the quality of education
• To give the members experience in leadership
• To provide for the best possible atmosphere
of caring in the home, school, and community